VGA prices fall but rise again in November 2021 CPU is relatively stable

Mister Azed
16 min readNov 3, 2021


2021 Early month, from retailers in Europe especially Germany and Austria.

The average price of VGA there increased 17% compared to October 2021.

AMD Radeon’s VGA rose 18%, Nvidia’s by about 16%.

Compared to the initial price, the radeon VGA increase reached 2x more expensive, not unlike Nvidia around 1.88x.

The chart below is the price of the
VGA model with trends from Following price trends is an online sales chart.

don’t follow a particular brand, but take from data that is quite active or relatively affordable.

VGA price chart follows

trend based on gtx 1650 super retail price date of $160

GTX 1660 Super price $230

Rtx 3060 prime price

$330 GeForce RTX 3090 Retail Price $1,430


September 2021Malaysia delayed production of aluminum materials for heat-resistant solid capacitors due to locking.

Chemicon and Nichicon, the best capacitor manufacturers, will have to close factories in Malaysia from July and August 2021.

Once opened only 60% of employees are allowed to work in the factory. And its production can fall between 30–60% of normal capacity.

Rubycon, Chemcon and NIchicon have products commonly used as electronic device capacitors.

Some factories are starting to look for other sources such as Taiwanese and Chinese brand manufacturers that are not affected.

Not only solid capasitor, ceramic

capacitors are also affected August 2021
19 Nvidia informs, the gpu chip shortage will last until 2021–2022.

Nvidia has committed to keeping supply in the long run, but demand remains high for now and a global shortage of chip


Although called a shortage of production, in Europe and America is available but the price is not normal or above the average price determined by Nvidia.

From AMD, the radeon RX 6600 XT price alone is sold at normal prices in the


Bloomberg reports chip manufacturers give wait times of 20 weeks or 4–5


For the vehicle industry that uses microchip components, August the condition has not improved. But the supply of automative industry chips ordered in August 2021 only arrived in January 2022.

While in the U.S. for sales of the new AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT VGA, no items were sold


Only part of VGA is available but in

packages with other products such as power supplyImpact not only to PC components.

The increased shipping cost will increase the selling price in each product.

Towards the end of the year holidays, retailers began taking stock.

But only the supply of iPhones is safe, Samsung in America prioritizes High End models such as the Galaxy S21. Samsung’s A series is hard to come by.

Container ships began waiting to unload goods at American ports. The lockdown at Ningbo port also affected all fleets of ships to retrieve goods.

Shoe manufacturers alone have been affected, unable to sell due to lack of supply of goods.

The cost of transport from East to West rose 3.6x, Shanghai to Rotterdam as a transid port in Europe reached a high of 6.5x.

Shipments of goods are moved to air freight, the impact is also the same. Air terminals are receiving increasingly large cargo shipments.

Ohare Airport Chicago as a transit center in

America had to wait 2 weeks to pick up goodsJuly 2021

28 There was news in the European market, suddenly VGA prices were silent after positively falling for the last 2 weeks.

Even the price of VGA Radeon looks to go up.

Not all VGA’s have seen prices drop in Europe.

Amd RX 6700XT, Nvidia RTX 3060, RTX 3060 Ti, RTX 3070 models, are significantly down.

On July 1, Cryptominers forces in China began selling former VGA mining. After the ban the Chinese government placed crypto fields in several cities.

They were asked to stop operations or leave China because the electricity was too large.

Crypto miners in China account for up to 65%. At the end of 2020 the Crypto group also bought VGA to Notebook gaming in a large scale for the purpose of mining coins. And gamers all over the world have a hard time getting VGA.

Last June, it sold VGA in party numbers at market prices from Nvidia and

AMD. Normal prices with used
VGA products used VGA 100 units GeForce RTX 3070 sold for $ 400, for RTX 3060 and 3060Ti must be purchased 200 units at once at a price of $ 293, $ 370.

One seller on the xianyu online service offered the RTX 3060 $270, and dropped close to its actual retail price, but it was sold in parties rather than units.

The used VGA is sold quickly and purchased by a container (reseller).

Another RTX 3060 notebook also sold for just $1,000 a million.


the value of Crypto dropped, miners immediately released their VGA investments to thrift dealers so that their investments could return.

VGA is at eBay and StockX auctions, cheap prices wait. They’ve ruined the price of VGA up to
2–3x in the last 8 months Now we’re the ones buying. Must remember the former VGA mining in geber full speed for 1 x 24 hours every day, the rest of his age?

According to VGA manufacturer Palit, a GPU for mining will lose 10% of its process capabilities per year.

Palit also mentioned, the former mining VGA has been replaced cooler to look clean and it is risky because when the cooler used may not be appropriate.

Some miners lower the voltage and room temperature when the VGA works 24 hours to extend service life. Although not all, if lucky maybe you get a VGA like that.

Used goods dealers or resellers have the money, clean the VGA back and sell at market prices before going

up. It’s certainly interesting.

But once you buy them, soon they will disappear.

So be careful if you find used VGA at a cheap price, in the coming weeks.

July 14, 2021 VGA prices fall but


June 18,
VGA prices start to fall by 50% in Europe. VGA inventories are also increasing significantly, at least 2x more each month.

Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 and AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT look positive, down 50% compared to may 2021 prices.

Nvidia RTX 3080 and Radeon RX 6800 XT are not very
good, only down 10–15% Prices in America slowly dropped slowly chasing prices in Europe

May 2021
AMD prioritizes procesor and high-end gaming products that are most in demand.

AMD CEO Su said it would send more additional chips. Compute production is temporarily underserved.

April 2021 Samsung TV chip shortage (April 27, 2021) Affecting Samsung’s SmartTV series, Samsung SmartTV market share reaches 20% for the global market.

If conditions do not improve, Samsung has difficulty making Smart TVs.

Samsung staff have come to Taiwan to secure the chip’s component needs.

But the supply is only available until 2021, if it does not end then Samsung will reduce production according to the supply of chips received.

Samsung’s 146-inch Micro LED TVs after the 110 model and above are still fully operational, only large TV models are not affected. DRAM is likely to rise (April 21, 2021)
TrendForce expects DRAM prices to rise, not too large by about 18–23% in the second quarter of 2021.

The affected model is DDR4 2666Mhz which
will mostly rise by 25% DRAM chips already reaching supply shortages. After many computers are used at home, and buy a new computer.

All DRAM either RAM memory chips, GDDRs for VGA, servers and desktop computers or notebooks were first affected the most.

Storage may be affected (April 18, 2021).

Cyrptocurrency Chia has not started yet, requiring not only VGA but storage because it suppresses gpu power usage.

Assuming chia cryptocurrency will be popular, the target is no longer VGA but SSD or hard drive purchased by miners.

But in June 2021, there were reports that chia cryptocurrency was not very profitable.

But until April the price of hard drives had risen in the local


For chips such as snowball effects, from small impacts give a greater impact to other products.

VGA Price in April 2021

During pandemics many factories delay production, while the need for devices increases.

Deliveries were delayed because no aircraft were carrying

cargo. The ship was forced to dock because nothing could be sent.

Products needed in early 2020 are masks, sanitary soaps.

That’s all. At that time it was not yet talk of medical devices that were suddenly needed in every country. Some people go into caves.

Arriving in mid-2020, one overseas bicycle brand that has a factory

in Indonesia raised 2 shifts to 3 shifts Factory worked nonstop 24 hours. It is true that the factory must operate 24 hours to meet the demand for exported bicycle frames.

What is happening, slowly the need for cheap bikes increases because residents are worried about using public


Cheap bikes abroad are always clean on the shelves of overseas bike shops in 2020. Continued demand for
static bikes jumped sharply 3 months after the beginning of the pandemic changed the industrial order suddenly arrived. Products that are usually only glimpsed by some humans, all look there.

The industry’s beginnings temporarily stopped due to a lack of demand, ending up leaving old stock in retail stores. And not long
after everything sold Towards the end of 2020, the demand for electronic products increased. Factories that start production catch up with demand.

But all the average factory capacity is not able to meet some items, eventually the distribution line of electronic components to become finished goods is affected. What happens in 2020–2021?

Chips are used in almost all electronic

devices. The chip job is to do what needs to be done.

It’s the 21st century, where every electronic device uses a chip. From washing machines, TVs, microwaves, to vehicles.

Manufacturers of chip “brands” do not make chips, they are called Fabless aka have no chips but order chip needs from designed chips.

Most of the high-tech chips are made by the two most advanced factories TSMC and Samsung.

American semiconductor manufacturers have sales of 47% of global needs, but only 12% of chips are produced in American factories themselves.

Why is there a shortage of electronic products? Suddenly people work and school at home, they buy new computers, upgrades, notebooks, smartphones.

Not only that, console games, smart theaters, and everything started since pandemic became the main need and not a secondary need anymore.

The need for electronic devices continues to increase and there are no signs of decline. One year on, it still
seems like there are problematic items Starting an era of difficult components, raw materials, shipping by plane, import duties, U.S. China tensions, and demand continues to rise uncontrollably.

Tesla shut down its electric car plant for two weeks because there were no components. Ford predicts a 20% drop in production, due to a lack of electronic components. Honda briefly closed its UK plant for four days, as the supply chain was empty.

In 2020, the plant delayed chip orders for vehicle components because it considered there was no market for a


It turned out that the market was back, bringing them on the list of last queues due to their orders in small quantities in the tens of thousands of chips.

Only Toyota is ready in the automative industry because previous experience when there

was a major earthquake in 2011 has prepared more suppliesMarch 2021
March 30, 2021 Reuters. Electronic products in America have difficulty getting chip controllers. It is commonly used for microwaves, refrigerators, and washing machines.

Chinese company Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co Ltd is known as a non-brand product or OEM, with 26 thousand employees. Delayed the launch of the new high end stove vents for 4 months, due to a shortage of micro-controller chips.

Some of our products are optimized for smart homes so we need more chips. Chip supply is more in China and companies evaluate domestic supplies than they take from abroad. Because it is not a sophisticated type of chip used into Chinese
electronics products Manufacturers are under pressure, from supply shortages and depressed margins.

Dreame home electronics under Xiaomi. Add millions of Yuan to the testing of alternative chips compared to the chips they are used to. Less electronic device components.

Building a new semicondutor factory requires at least 10–12 billion dollars (equivalent to 140 trillion), and has only been completed in 3 years.

Even that does not guarantee the new factory can directly produce and fit the old design. As technology continues to run after the latest. Left behind, no one buys and the factory loses or the chips produced are inefficient.

While the two most advanced factories produce semiconductor components, Samsung and TSMC with a 70% share of procesor


Therefore, semicondutor technology that is in the hard industry is only dominated by giant players who are ready to profit or lose massively. Intel only survived on 14nm technology for their procesors, having been unable to update their factories.

Amd’s chip, Nvidia is already in power-efficient 7nm technology not made by itself but by TSMC and Samsung.

If you remember, AMD almost went bankrupt and sold its factory in 2008 to Global Foundery and taken ibm in 2014.

In 2019 the Avera unit was taken by Marvell, another part by Vanguard Int and On Semi. Now AMD’s graphic procesor chip is Fabless’s no chip factory. Nvidia never makes chips from its factories, because Nvidia has never built a factory.

VGA is one of the components affected in late 2020, new GPU technology but can not be produced much because chip models have to queue at semicondutor factories in Taiwan and


Many want to have an entertainment device at home, making the demand for VGA increase sharply.

Products that were initially more delayed became a trend during the pandemic. Bicycles, VGA, masks, medical devices, entertainment devices, sanitation suddenly become products can not be delayed.

VGA Price March 2021 via online auction and sold

Model, average price, number sold

GeForce RTX 3090 $3,016 374
GeForce RTX 3080 $2,177 437
GeForce RTX 3070 $1,357 818
GeForce RTX 3060 Ti $1,298 254
GeForce RTX 3060 12GB $931 395
Radeon RX 6900 XT $1,874 96
Radeon RX 6800 XT $1,588 103
Radeon RX 6800 $1,324 61
Radeon RX 6700 XT $984 301

Note February 2021
The price of the RTX 3000 series in the market increased 300% from the original price until February 2021.

Even rtx 3080 units at auction via eBay.

But again declining in early March 2021, the trend below is the average chart of VGA prices.

GeForce GTX 3090 achieved a
200% increase GeForce GTX 3080 highest reached 340%, retail price 699–869. Flying to the relatively high $1300–1500
GeForce GTX 3070 is only 250%
GeForce GTX 3060 Ti reaching 310%
of the newly released GeForce GTX 3060 at the end of February 2021, the price is directly pegged at 250% of Nvidia’s terms price, although it is slowly falling back.

From October 2020 to February 2021, no new VGA prices were sold at normal prices. The average has reached an increase of 20–30% above nvidia’s specified price. Nvidia RTX 3080 March 2021
Official price $699, but only print price from Nvidia and no March 2021 items on sale.

When sold, it will always be clean in a moment.

In September 2020 it has reached $1,170–1,300.

March 2021 online, it reached $1,377 for official stores and shoppers waited until early April 2021.

Those available at auction via eBay are much more expensive, reaching 20 million more for the RTX 3080 or about $1,600.


When ships for cargo or container services in 2020 have the same fate as airplanes. Many ships stopped sailing, most factories closed and there was no shipment of goods for export.

But once the world starts moving with jobs, schools are more at home with online


Conditions turned around, the ship and air freight returned to sailing even though the plane no longer carried passengers but cargo only.

The problem is when residents start shopping for work-at-home supplies.

The product they are looking for is in Asia.

Smartphones, using Korean chips, while silicon raw materials are in Japan, assembly ends up in China until it becomes finished goods.

Bicycles were also a commodity that was stolen at the beginning of the pandemic, mostly made in China, including frame factories and bicycle tires in Indonesia.

Ships carry goods to America in very large quantities, and leave empty boxes of containers to catch up with cruise schedules to other continents.

Because ships are very busy to meet the demand for shipping

goods. Quoted from the American daily, the impact of transportation costs rose, the vacancy of container containers occurred due to not being brought back, and the increase in the cost of transportation entered into the price of goods.

The time to wait and retrieve the emptied containers only adds to the cost for shipping

operators. Cruise operators prefer to charge high fees and charge exporters for container procurement fees.

Many goods cannot be transported due to the lack of containers. Producing new containers also takes time, impacting many shipping delays. While the ship must arrange the goods to be lowered first according to the ship’s route.

Without empty containers, exporters cannot ship goods. So they will be charged extra for containers/containers.

One contributor to the cost of rising goods is freight, when the expedition has to charge more expensive for containers. February 13, 2021 Nvidia resumes production of nvidia’s GTX
1050 Ti and RTX 2060 indirectly confirmed that the GeForce GTX 1050 Ti and GeForce RTX 2060 GPUs will be available again.

Although called the old VGA, the price should not be considered cheaper or the same when released to the market. Prices have gone up.

Now more GPU chips are being shipped to manufacturers to be assembled into VGA.

Nvidia is trying to fill the VGA void due to high demand when the supply of chips and components is


Nvidia wants to offer the GeForce RTX 2060 (2019) and the older GeForce GTX 1050 Ti (October 2016).

An Nvidia spokesperson confirmed this when asked by PC World. “We are only meeting market demand, as

we have noticed, demand continues to increase” Component problems occur in the production of new chip and memory models.

Why are rtx 2060 and GTX 1050 ti models only in production?

While the RTX 2060 GPU chip is still in production with 12nm technology from the TSMC silicon plant where production capacity is available.

More sophisticated factories have been operating at full capacity for other manufacturers’ chips such as smartphones at 5nm or 7nm computer procesors.

Interestingly, the GeForce GTX 1050 Ti GPU chip still uses 14nm technology. The chips are manufactured from Samsung’s factory.

Another problem of VRAM GDDR6 for VGA became rare, due to a lack of components then Nvidia saw GDDR5 still allowing for VRAM GTX 1050

Ti. It makes sense, while components are still available and can be made into VGA units.

How much does the GTX 1050 Ti and RTX 2060


The lowest price ever reached gtx 1050 Ti is only $ 140, while RTX 2060 $ 350. But that’s
the price when it’s marketed but online has reached $400 and $700. Whether Nvidia can later lower the price of both VGA, it doesn’t seem to be.

Nvidia is simply filling the void of high end VGA model inventory with old VGA to designated retail stores and always Sold Out.

The same case when the hard drive is empty, the Thai factory where most of the world’s hard drive production is


Factories were flooded, all factories stopped producing and hard drive prices jumped sharply. It took 1 year to lower the price of hard drives after a major flood hit Thailand.

For the GeForce RTX 3000, since the publication has been lacking supplies.

It is expected to continue throughout
2021 The same conditions as AMD with the new VGA RX6000 with rdna-2 architects. Practically the VGA is like missing from the market.

Another condition of demand problems from Cryptomining, making the price of the new VGA continues to


Not only is the old VGA, but the old VGA is also sought after.

12, 2021
Intel Procesor drops in price, for the Intel Core 10000 Gen 10 series architect Comet

Lake. Not unsellable.

Intel is preparing the Gen 11 Core 11000 rocket lake architect procesor between March 2021.

10, 2021
Now a fight between the BitCon Mining group, Ethereum and the gamers who bought the VGA.

Even the Ethereum group mentioned in China buys any supply of gaming notebooks with internal GTX 3000 series GPUs.

For the most pocket-friendly VGA gaming with the right resolution at 1080 FHD, the GeForce GTX 1650 Super series alone from the price of 2.6 million at the end of 2020, now rises past the price of Rp.3 million. The normal price of the GeForce GTX 1650 Super may only be printed, aka the stock runs out for the normal price. January 15, 2021 Other
manufacturers such as EVGA are adjusting the price of the GeForce RTX 30.

The price change was announced on January 11, 2021.

Zotac silently raised the price of VGA, not only 1 time but 2 times. Even increase the price of VGA reached $ 90–100.

The VGA Zotac Trinity RTX 3090 even went up to $300, now on the market it’s sold for $1900. Issues from shipping, tariffs and
previous parts/component difficulties Asus first announced from Facebook DIY.

Asus will increase all products and models for VGA and motherboards.

The problem of the imposition of tariffs is large enough to only be exposed in certain countries.

Remember when the giant Cargo Plane Of Russia AN-225 Mriya which was rented by several countries and the world health


It should send medical equipment around the world for emergency medical treatment as soon as possible.

Carrying the most urgent cargo in very large quantities in March — August 2020.

Because not many aircraft carry passengers or carry air cargo.

A pilot also said he felt like he was flying alone. Because not many more aircraft are seen “on the radar”.

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Mister Azed
Mister Azed

Written by Mister Azed

Creative Digital Technology And lifestyle News

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